14 October, 2015

Have Questions? I (may) have answers!

Can I be honest?

This is when you state the obvious, “Yes, but of course.”

There have been so many thoughts, emotions, feelings, and what else? STUFF. In my heart and mind these last few weeks. How do I work through it all, how do I express what’s inside for the outside to know?

It seems like so much has been a haze. A haze of misunderstanding of not “getting” what God seems to be trying to tell me, but then, like those tiny cherry bombs (you know the ones you buy in China town and then throw on the ground and they make a semi-loud noise), there seems to be tiny “explosions” in my heart, mind, and soul of revelation. But it’s still so much to process.

And that’s where part of me is at – the processing stage.

I want to write, I want to inform, I want to tell and share. Sometimes, I just don’t know where to start- or where to end.

“How was Brazil?” People ask me.

How much time do you have? How much do you want to know? Can you ask me a specific question? That helps me stay focused and saves us both time if all you wanted to know was “how was your first full-year abroad?” and I begin to tell you how my heart handled Brazil or vice versa.

So please, ask away. I actually quite enjoy answering questions. It also helps me process this whole thing myself. (Comment below or send me an email or message on Facebook). 

And if you live within driving range, let’s get together for coffee and I will tell you how good Brazilian coffee is. Seriously though, message me, email me, call me, text me; however we communicate, let’s get together.

Thanks for doing life with me.

Passionately Jesus’,

Brittaney :)

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