22 October, 2013

Oh Canada.

Oh Canada.

As some of you may know last weekend was Canadian Thanksgiving. Living in such a place as YWAM, where we have people from everywhere (including this great land) we celebrate!

So we had Canadian Thanksgiving, which is pretty much the same as American Thanksgiving (I’m pretty sure they stole the idea from us- but hey, if they want to be grateful too, I guess we’ll let them). Honestly, it was wonderful, especially as I will not be in the States this year to celebrate my country’s day of giving thanks.

Here they are singing their national anthem:

Over the last 5 weeks and for the next 15, I have gotten and get the privilege of living with a bunch of these wonderful people.

Here are a few things I have learned about Canadians:

-They don’t look like Eskimos and they don’t live in igloos (don’t let your children’s picture books lie to you).
-A bunch of them speak French
-They have things called “ketchup chips” (Yeah, I don’t know… but I’m gonna get to try some real soon!)
-Our “smarties” (like the candy) are their “rockets”
-They don’t say “eh” as much as you think (though they will say “hey” quite a bit)
-Did you know that just as we have Captain America, they have Captain Canada?

-In school, they learn American geography (bonus points if my American readers can name two Canadian provinces)
-They can be pretty patriotic (at least the ones I have met)
-Canadians are treated better than Americans in other countries (hmm… makes me wonder how I can acquire Canadian citizenship)
-They really are a lot like Americans. Or maybe we’re like them.

Either way, I like this country I have never been to, but I really like (emphasis on the really) its people and hope I can go there soon!

Road Trip Canada 2014?





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